Cutting subsidies and slashing regulation. Trade barriers and low interest rates. What do President-elect Trump’s policy prescriptions for the US economy mean for infrastructure investment?

Expect regulatory rollback across the board - clean power, GHG financial disclosure, environmental permitting, among others. This should ease the administrative burden and wait times for project developers - particularly if, as expected, Congress moves to enact a comprehensive permitting reform package. Trump's commitment to tariff maximalism remains an open question but we do have [...]

Insights from Washington with Alex Blair

President-elect Trump’s proposed agenda combines deregulation, relaxed tax rates, deep cuts to federal spending, and new broad-ranging tariffs. Stakeholder coordination and engagement will be critical to preserve federal programs and incentives. That will mean positioning issues in the prisms of the incoming administration’s “America First” priorities: trade, jobs, domestic manufacturing and innovation, and competition with[.....]

Our Summer Reading

Protect your employees from the impact of extreme temperatures on the job Despite the predictions, the Paris games did not surpass those held in Tokyo in 2021 as the hottest on record. It did, however, increase awareness of the need for more robust heat protection strategies from employers and establishing a culture of acclimatization for[.....]

June: A Celebration of Progress; a Call to Action on the Road Ahead

by Danielle Comeau As we head into the final week of June, I reflect on the powerful opportunity for action toward social and economic equity the month offers through Juneteenth (19), National Indigenous Peoples Day (21), and Pride all month. These observances invite us to honor the histories, celebrate the cultures, and acknowledge the struggles[…..]

The benefits of nature-based employee wellness programs by Dr. Cristina Allen

Integrating employee wellness programs with nature-based activities has been proven to reduce stress, enhance moods, and increase psychological well-being. You can incorporate nature into your workplace by expanding office plants, encouraging outdoor meetings, and organizing nature walks and retreats. Employers who invest in employee wellness programs reap numerous benefits beyond improving the health of individual[…..]